Click on the Play button  below each item to hear the Audio!
Each word is repeated 3 times, there is a space between each word for you to say it out loud for practice.

Click on the 3 dots on the audio player to Download a single audio file.

Click here to download all the audio files (.zip)
Click here to download the Poster (PDF)

1. Take off your Ke.

2. Leave your luk’wän on.

3. Put on your thu yaw.

4. Put your keshänthu on the correct foot.

5. Put your ur k’ä̀tān t’àtsä́da Zip it.

6. Put your ts’at.

7. Put on your dhāt’al.

8. Put your mbàts on.

9. Now your done! Tlʼahu,
10. Go have some fun.