When you are pregnant, you might need a lot of care and support. Visiting the Health Centre nurses and support worker on a regular basis can help you be as healthy as possible during pregnancy. They can answer any questions you may have about you or your developing baby. Support getting to medical appointments is also available.
Healthy Babies, Healthy Generations
Labour and delivery teachings
Delivering your baby is a big job. The more prepared you are, the better the outcome is for you and your baby. The nurses at the Health Centre can help you understand what happens to your body when baby is born. You can work together with the nurses to try and make your delivery as smooth as possible.
Breastfeeding support
Breastfeeding is so important for baby, and we can help you as you learn to do it! There are nurses and support workers who are trained and ready to help you through your journey.
Drop-in twice a month
Every second and fourth Tuesday of the month, we have drop in lunch from 12-2 pm. We have a variety of speakers and activities at each session that cover many healthy topics. A Health Nurse will be available at each drop in. Healthy lunch is provided and you can spend some time connecting with other new parents.
Nutrition support
Eating well when you are pregnant and breastfeeding is very important. KDFN members of the HBHG program can receive a monthly food voucher. You can use this voucher to purchase up to $30 worth of healthy foods. This voucher is available for participants of the program up until baby is 18 months of age. You must participate in one of the regular events or meet with the nurse or support worker for a minimum of 15 minutes to receive this voucher.
Community kitchen
In order to help you and your family eat well, the support worker offers a community kitchen. This event can help you to practice some cooking basics and help with healthy meal planning. Food will be prepared and provided for you to take home to share with your family.
Postpartum care
Having a baby is a very special event but it can also be overwhelming. After you return home from the hospital a nurse will come visit you. They will weigh the baby and check that you and baby are both recovering well after the delivery. The nurse will also check how breastfeeding or bottle-feeding is going. This is a good opportunity to ask questions and talk about any concerns you have for yourself or your baby. The nurse and/or the support worker will visit you at home as many times as you need.
Well baby clinics
Keeping your baby healthy is ongoing. At 2, 4, 6, 12, and 18 months we provide well baby clinics where the nurse will weigh and measure your baby and check their development. At this same time, your baby will be ready for their vaccines which will help keep them safe and healthy.