2021 KDFN Annual General Assembly
Saturday, October 30 and Sunday, October 31, 2021
KDFN Citizens, please view the agenda here: TAB 1c Agenda_Oct 30_31 2021

There is a gift box for every Citizen who attends and many great prizes to be won online and in person, including a $250 Visa Gift Card early registration draw!
Attend in person or online.
Either way you plan to attend, you must register!
Attend in person
There is limited space for fully vaccinated Elders and Citizens to attend in person in different rooms of the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre. COVID safe protocols will be in place.
To attend in person you must:
- be fully vaccinated;
- pass a COVID screening test at the door;
- preregister by contacting Karee Vallevand at 867-334 6548 or GA@kdfn.net
Testing at the door: Out of an abundance of caution, KDFN will require a same-day negative COVID-19 test prior to any in-person attendance at the General Assembly.
Trained health care professionals will be on-site at the KDCC to test those who have pre-registered to attend in-person. They will conduct a minimally invasive rapid antigen test and provide you with the results. The testing process will take 15 minutes. Pease arrive at the KDCC approximately early to ensure you have enough time to go through the screening process.
Doors open at 8:30 a.m. and the GA starts at 10 a.m.
Attend online
You must register to attend online through this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_nyJLW_kWQCKp6sdmpRW4YQ
If you need technical help registering or joining the meeting, please call or text 867-334-2448 or email admin@guntabusiness.com
Contact Karee Vallevand at 867-334-6548 or GA@kdfn.net
Shä̀w níthän, Gùnáłchîsh, Mähsi’cho, Thank you!
We look forward to seeing you online or in person!