Courses are FREE for unemployed or underemployed KDFN citizens!
Space is limited and registration is required.
Space is limited and registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: COVID-19 Safe 6 + 1 protocols will be in place during all courses.
Masks must be worn at all times and physical distancing requirements will be in place.
Safety in Bear Country
Partnered with NSNY
Friday, April 30, 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Kenädän Kų House of Le arning
This half-day course gives participants the knowledge necessary to safely work and
travel in bear country. The following topics will be covered: bear characteristics, behaviours and different types of bears, prevention of bear problems, reacting during bear encounters and bear deterrents.
Partnered with NSNY
Friday, April 30, 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Kenädän Kų House of Le arning
This half-day course gives participants the knowledge necessary to safely work and
travel in bear country. The following topics will be covered: bear characteristics, behaviours and different types of bears, prevention of bear problems, reacting during bear encounters and bear deterrents.
To register or for more information, please contact:
Gayle Ball, Employment Support Facilitator
Kenädän Ku House of Learning
(867) 633-8422, ext. 505
Cell: (867) 334-5598
Gayle Ball, Employment Support Facilitator
Kenädän Ku House of Learning
(867) 633-8422, ext. 505
Cell: (867) 334-5598