The Council of Kwanlin Dün First Nation is considering a change to the KDFN Governance Act.
The proposal is to change who sits on the Standing Committee on Policy and Legislation. Currently, this committee includes:
- two elected members of Council;
- the Elder and youth appointees to Council; and
- three staff members (the Executive Director and the directors of Governance and Justice).
If the Governance Act is amended, the committee would include:
- all members of Council;
- the Elder and youth appointees to Council; and
- no staff.
Bill: Act to Amend the Governance Act [link]
If you have questions about the bill, please call Executive Council Office at (867) 633-7800 ext. 136, or email Second reading of the bill will occur at the Council meeting February 18, 2021 9:30am -4:30pm.
Printed copies of the bill are available at the Executive Council Office at 21 McCrimmon Crescent.