Stay safe, KDFN,

• 325 current active cases
• 66 new since yesterday
• 2 people are hospitalized. 1 is in the ICU.
• Many more cases are going unreported.
• This spread can have especially negative effects for people who:
o are not vaccinated;
o are older; or
o have chronic disease(s).

• People who are partially or fully vaccinated are getting Omicron because vaccination is not as effective with Omicron as it was with Delta.
• BUT when you are fully vaccinated (with a booster shot) you are:
o less likely to become infected;
o less likely to infect your contacts; and
o less likely to be hospitalized or need breathing support.
All information is from the acting CMOH media conference held January 5, 2022.
You can watch the full conference here:…/latest…/watch-covid-19-video-updates