Are you interested in finding out more about the project to rebuild the Whitehorse airport runways? Come on out to Nàkwät’à Kų̀ Potlatch House on November 24, 4 p.m. to 7.p.m. – dinner will be served! There may be work or training opportunities for KDFN Citizens and businesses on the project. This is an opportunity to meet with the general contractors who are qualified to bid on the project.

We want to hear from those with skills or interest in the following areas and other areas:

  • Administrative services
  • Warehousing/storage for equipment, electrical and drainage material
  • Vac truck/water supply services
  • Equipment maintenance
  • Equipment rental (light plants, generators, etc)
  • Accommodations
  • Meal preparation and catering
  • Surveying
  • Heavy equipment supply/operation
  • Traffic control
  • Scale operation
  • Dust control
  • Security
  • Safety
  • Fuel supply/delivery
  • Materials testing/construction inspection
  • Clearing and brushing (related to potential development projects dependant on funding)

The project will involve earthworks and paving, as well as upgrades to electrical systems, lighting, and drainage. Given the large scale of the project, it will also require extensive logistical and support work. The project is anticipated to take place over the next three construction seasons.


Questions? Contact Darwin O’Brien at Darwin.o’brien@kdfn.net or 867-334-5598.