This summer, Anne Spice will be offering handpoked tattoos as part of KDFN health and wellness programming.
After booking your appointment you will be asked to fill out a form with questions about your background, healing journey, and tattoo preferences.
Limited appointments, June 18 – July 11, at Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre.
For KDFN Citizens and Beneficiaries.
To book an appointment, phone or text 867-332-6860.
More info:
Our ancestors marked themselves for many reasons—to identify our clans and house groups, to indicate status or nobility, to mark childbirth or other life transitions, or to protect warriors in battle.
Often the charcoal of powerful plant medicines (like devil’s club) was used to create the ink. Traditional tattoos were likely very painful and difficult to heal, but they marked important transitions in the lives of indigenous people in communities.
Today, we can reclaim tattoo practice in our own healing rituals—to mark transformations, honour and release our pain, revive and protect our spirits, and connect ourselves to the traditions of our ancestors as we resist colonial trauma and disease.
The practice of tattooing is an invitation to take an active role in our healing and transformation through pain, art, and ceremony.