Pick up some fresh tomatoes, mint, and basil from the community garden!
Hey KDFN! Pick up some fresh tomatoes, mint, and basil from the community garden! Drop by Nats’ekhi Kų̀ Health Centre before 4 p.m. today, August 8 to grab some.
We are Kwanlin Dün
Hey KDFN! Pick up some fresh tomatoes, mint, and basil from the community garden! Drop by Nats’ekhi Kų̀ Health Centre before 4 p.m. today, August 8 to grab some.
Circles will resume in September.
For more info, phone 867-333-0409 or email office@canyoncitylp.com.
Join us on August 16 and 17 for a two-day first aid and CPR course! -For KDFN citizens -No experience Required -First-aid and CPR certified when finished! To register, please contact Ames: ames.val@kdfn.net or 333-0114.
Drop-In Mental Wellness Counselling has resumed. It is available for KDFN Citizens 3 times a week. Come and see us at Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre at the following times: • Mondays, 3 p.m. – 4 p.m. • Wednesdays, 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. • Fridays, 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Hey KDFN! Join us every second Thursday for a Men’s Gathering. The next one is August 10! Gatherings will take place from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the firepit behind Nàkwät’à Kų̀ Potlatch House. Coffee, tea, and snacks provided. This is a safe place for men to connect with each other and learn traditional…
KDFN Families are invited to rotary park TODAY for an education meet-and-greet BBQ. Meet Education Support Coordinators and Language and Culture Coordinators. Hang out, eat food, and ask your education related questions!