KDFN tenants, please update your information

Community Services is hard at work making sure your information is up to date. This is something that may not have been done since you first signed your tenancy agreement. According to the KDFN housing policy, agreements are supposed to be updated yearly. Your rent will not change. Housing liaison support workers are working to…

Chief Smith represents KDFN at Intergovernmental Leaders’ Forum

Ak’an dzenu shäwthan KDFN! Chief Sean Uyenets’echᶖa Smith is in Gatineau, Quebec this week for the second Intergovernmental Leaders’ Forum. The forum is a meeting with Indigenous leaders, modern treaty holders, self-governing Indigenous governments, and the Prime Minister. As the forum wraps up, Chief Smith will deliver closing remarks with Inuvialuit Regional Corporation Chair/CEO Duane…

The Youth Rec calendar and newsletter for May are now available!

Hey KDFN! The Youth Rec calendar and newsletter for May are now available! Please see the full calendar for our registered program offerings as well as our regular offerings! You can find the calendar here: www.kwanlindun.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Youth-Rec-calendar-May-2024.png Check out the May newsletter here: https://mailchi.mp/kdfn/kdfn-youth-recreation-may-newsletter?e=[UNIQID] Want to get our newsletter right to your inbox? Email communications@kdfn.net to…

High School Graduation Bursary

Hey KDFN! Apply for the KDFN High School Graduation Bursary and Bonus! Are you a KDFN Citizen and student on track to complete your Grade 12 year? Apply now! Find the application form at kwanlindun.com/education/kindergarten-to-grade-12-students/ You can also pick up and return your form at Kenädän Kų̀ – House of Learning. Completed forms can be…