Drop-in Counselling
Drop-in mental wellness counselling for KDFN Citizens is available five days a week from 1 to 3 p.m. Comes see us on Mondays at 405 Oglivie St. and every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre.
We are Kwanlin Dün
Drop-in mental wellness counselling for KDFN Citizens is available five days a week from 1 to 3 p.m. Comes see us on Mondays at 405 Oglivie St. and every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre.
Heads up KDFN tenants! Online rent payments are currently not available. We are working to fix this issue. In the meantime, please pay your rent in person at 77 McClennan Road or phone Community Services at 867-633-7833 to arrange payment. Shä̀w níthän, másin cho, gunałchÎsh, and thank you for your understanding.
Sky High Wilderness Ranch is offering a 30 percent discount for KDFN Citizens and Beneficiaries. Check out the experiences available at www.skyhighwilderness.com Questions? Phone: 867-667-4321. Email: info@skyhighwilderness.com
The deadline to apply for post-secondary school funding for the spring/summer school term is Monday, April 1. For more info, head over to www.kwanlindun.com/education/post-secondary-students/
July 16 & 17 at Nàkwät’à Kų̀ Potlatch House. Day one – Meeting from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., dinner and live music to follow until 8 p.m. Day two – Meeting from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For rides, please phone Brenda Bruton at 867-668-7289. Click here to attend on Zoom. Meeting passcode: 587523
Hey KDFN Citizens, Sign up for our Spring pre-employment training! This program will explore: building skills for employment, general trades related work, time management and self-development workshops life skills and time on the land, and will include visits to businesses/job sites and training for work at the Airport Main Runway Expansion project. To sign up…
Remember to update your address with the registrar! Sometimes we need to mail Citizens things, so it’s important we have your mailing address updated. You can update your address on our website here: kwanlindun.com/update-your-address/ Or contact the registrar here: email citizenship@kdfn.net; or phone 867-633-7800, ext. 131
Hey KDFN! Join us every Thursday for a men’s gathering. 5 to 8 p.m. at 405 Ogilvie St. Come hang out and eat good food! For more info, phone Charles at 867-332-6847 or Julien at 867-332-4687.
Dusk’a Head Start Family Learning Centre is hosting a creative space on Thursdays! Thursdays, 1 to 5 p.m – Preference to Dusk’a students’ families, all ages, – Materials available for personal creative projects, – Artistic skill development offered from a cultural lens, – Snacks will be provided. For more info or to register, phone Claire…
Don’t forget! Tomorrow is community beading night! Join us at the Justice department in the Kashgêk’ building, 35 McIntyre Dr. 5 to 9 p.m. Please bring your own projects and supplies. Limited supplies available for those who need them.