KDFN is Hiring

KDFN is hiring. We’re seeking to fill the following positions: • Public Buildings and Property Manager • Youth Recreation Support Worker • Jordan’s Principle Navigator For more info and to apply, head over to kwanlindun.com/employment

Help us name our new boat!

Come to the trade show tomorrow, and help us name our new boat! KDFN’s Heritage, Lands and Resources has a new boat, and we want your help to name it! Come to the pre-General Assembly trade show, and submit your ideas! Please keep all submissions respectful, and related to KDFN. For example: -traditional place names,…

General Assembly this Friday!

The 2023 KDFN General Assembly is on the evening of Friday, October 27 and continues the full day on Saturday, October 28. KDFN Citizens can attend in person at Nàkwät’à Kų Potlatch House or online. To register to attend online, or for updated information, visit: kwanlindun.com/GA-2023 For rides, phone Floyd Johnston at 867-332-1510 or KDFN…

Book Launch

Join us to celebrate the launch of Kwanlin Dün Dǎ Kwǎndur Ghày Ghàkwadîndur, Our Story in Our Words. Published during the pandemic, we can now come together to acknowledge this achievement. This book is the winner of the 2020 BC and Yukon Book Prizes Roderick Haig-Brown Regional Prize and the 2020 Yukon Heritage Innovation Award.…