Update your address with the registrar!

Remember to update your address with the registrar! Sometimes we need to mail Citizens things, so it’s important we have your mailing address updated. You can update your address on our website here: kwanlindun.com/update-your-address/ Or contact the registrar here: email citizenship@kdfn.net; or phone 867-633-7800, ext. 131

Decolonized Approaches to Trauma

Decolonized Approaches to Trauma – a workshop facilitated by Maisie Smith. January 11, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at Nats’ekhi Kų̀ Health Centre. This workshop covers the effects of trauma in both an Indigenous and Western point of view. Sign up, and join the discussion! Lunch provided. To register, phone: 867-668-7289.

Bid on contracts

Hey KDFN! KDFN has ongoing opportunities for construction and maintenance contracts. We’re inviting experienced contractors to bid on these contracts. To be added to the list of qualified bidders and be notified of upcoming opportunities, please contact Community Services at community.service@kdfn.net or 867-633-7833.

Medicine Wheel Teachings

Join Maisie Smith on Tuesday, January 9, 12 to 4 p.m. at the Natsékhi Kų̀ Health Centre to learn the teachings of the medicine wheel and how this tool can be used to maintain balance and support with self-care. Meal provided. Space is limited. For more info or to register, phone 867-668-7289.

Youth Rec programming for January 2024

Hey KDFN! Youth Rec programming starts back up on Monday, January 8. We’ve got some exciting new programs! Check out our calendar for January. We look forward to seeing you at Youth Rec! For a larger version of this calendar, click here. Please sign up for registered activities as space is limited. Registration is now…