Joint Statement by Kwanlin Dün First Nation Chief Doris Bill and Ta’an Kwäch’än Council Chief Kristina Kane

April 7, 2021 Kwanlin Dün First Nation and Ta’an Kwäch’än Council confirm our full support of the Yukon Chief Medical Officer of Health’s mandate to keep Yukon’s border restrictions and self-isolation rules actively in place. As COVID-19 variants are spreading quickly in other parts of Canada, our governments are concerned about increasing pressure on the…

Easter giveaway for families

Hey, KDFN citizens, Hop on over to the community rink for a fun Easter giveaway for families Wednesday, March 31, 4:30 – 6 p.m. KDFN Heath and Wellness has created family gift bags, and Youth Rec has a fun Easter craft for kids. We’ll give them out until they’re gone. Drive by or walk up…

Kwanlin Dun book

Kwanlin Dün Dǎ kwǎndur ghày ghakwadîndur: Our Story in Our Words wins Heritage Award

KDFN and KDFN Elders have won the 2020 Yukon Heritage Award for Innovation, Education and Community Engagement for Kwanlin Dün Dǎ kwǎndur ghày ghakwadîndur: Our Story in Our Words. Congratulations to everyone who worked together to create this amazing publication, including citizens, Elders and partners. The award will be presented at an online ceremony this…

Women’s Land-Based Healing Program

The application deadline for KDFN’s Jackson Lake Women’s Land-Based Healing Program is coming up on April 5. This camp focuses on trauma recovery and empowerment. The camp is person-centred and honours traditional and clinical approaches to healing through the use of cultural activities, ceremonies, and traditional teachings. We offer daily group sessions and weekly confidential…

Campaigning in McIntrye

McIntyre residents, As you may have heard a Yukon territorial election has been called for April 12. Over the next month there will be candidates campaigning throughout Yukon and coming door to door. When coming door to door, all candidates must follow COVID-19 safe guidelines, including: – Keeping at least 6 feet of physical distancing;…