Women’s Land-Based Healing Program

The application deadline for KDFN’s Jackson Lake Women’s Land-Based Healing Program is coming up on April 5. This camp focuses on trauma recovery and empowerment. The camp is person-centred and honours traditional and clinical approaches to healing through the use of cultural activities, ceremonies, and traditional teachings. We offer daily group sessions and weekly confidential…

Campaigning in McIntrye

McIntyre residents, As you may have heard a Yukon territorial election has been called for April 12. Over the next month there will be candidates campaigning throughout Yukon and coming door to door. When coming door to door, all candidates must follow COVID-19 safe guidelines, including: – Keeping at least 6 feet of physical distancing;…

On my journey to becoming a nurse

Roxanne Dobbs is a KDFN citizen that pursued her goal of becoming a nurse. She took upgrading courses at Georgian College to earn the certification required for the nursing program. Here’s her story in her own words: School took a lot of dedication. It has been one of the most challenging times in my life…